Komei School for the Physically Handicapped
The things we do differently from other schools
Distinctive Features
For students, computers are important tools that allow them to express themselves and communicate with others outside of school. Students at Komei have a wide range of other interests, and there are some who are quite accomplished in such areas as sports and the arts. Read about these students and the special activities they are involved in.
=> Computers in Class
=> Short Letters
Sachie Shima's drawings are very popular, and even teachers ask her to create illustrations for school. |
The Students Speak
Even though the students at the Komei School for the Physically Handicapped may have disabilities,
they still express themselves in ways ranging from arts to sports. Here we introduce three of Komei's
high school students and the unique activities they enjoy doing.
Sachie Shima (high school, second year)
Sachie is an active girl who enjoys playing hand soccer and tee ball (a form of baseball). When she's
not playing sports, she likes to create illustrations on the computer. Sachie says, "In the future I hope
to have a job related to illustration."
Shinya Ishizuka is very good at writing poetry and music, and he puts his thoughts and feelings into song. |
Shinya Ishizuka (high school, third year)
Shinya has attended Komei ever since he entered as an elementary-school student 12 years ago. He is scheduled
to graduate from high school in March 2003. He says, "When I'm at home I like to use the computer and
write poetry. And singing in a loud voice is something that will always lift my spirits." Shinya has already
composed music and written lyrics for dozens of songs, and he is recording some of them with the help
of teachers at Komei. Speaking of his feelings on his upcoming graduation and thoughts on the future,
he says, "I want to go forward with the goal of moving people." (listen
to the song)
Saeko Kono is an accomplished athlete. |
Saeko Kono (high school, third year)
Saeko is known for the graceful way that she moves around Komei in her wheelchair, which she operates
on her own. At the Second National Sports Games for the Challenged held in November in Kochi Prefecture,
Saeko represented Tokyo Prefecture in the 100-meter wheelchair race and the wheelchair slalom. Speaking
to the students at school right before the competition, Saeko said, "This is a national-level athletic
meet, so I'm sure there are many athletes there who have trained for a long time. But with everyone here
from school supporting me, I'll do my best, and I'm going to bring back a medal!" Just as she promised,
Saeko went to the meet and won the slalom, setting a new record for the competition in the process. She
brought the medal back to the school for everyone to see.
Saeko participates in the wheelchair slalom. She won the event and set a new record. |

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