Ohnominami Middle School
The things we do differently from other schools |

Distinctive Features
Here some of the students of Ohnominami give their personal views of school life and the friendships what matters most to them. You will also discover what the students' favorite activities are, as well as what they keep in their school bags. |
=> Messages from Students
=> The Ohnominami Rankings
Our Favorite Things
A salmon boxed lunch, made of rice with salmon flakes sprinkled on top. |
Popular lunchtime foods include (from left) fried chicken, rice balls, and slices of thick omelet.
The members of the Kids Web Welcoming Committee used a digital camera to take pictures of things they like and things they find interesting.
We like to eat, so lunchtime is one of the highlights of our day. We surveyed students about their favorite lunch foods. By far, the favorites are meat items, such as Japanese-style fried chicken and hamburgers. The least favorite item is vegetable dishes. So students tend to like meat and dislike vegetables. We also asked students, "Have you ever made your own lunch?" 74 said they had never done so. Probably almost all of the students rely on their mothers to make lunch for them.
Displaying the contents of students' bags. |
We also tried to find out what the girls at Ohnominami Middle School keep in their school bags. And what we learned was that those bags are full of stuff. Besides textbooks and spiral notebooks, they also carry loose-leaf notebooks (convenient for assignments that have to be handed in), colored pens for decorating their notebooks, eye drops to use when their eyes are tired from class, notes from friends, mirrors with purikura (print-club machine) stickers on them, combs, and Sokkkutachi, a glue used for sticking their socks to their legs so the socks stay in place just right.
