Ohnominami Middle School

Take this virtual tour to see what it's like to spend a day with us |

Step Inside
Experience a typical school day with the students of class 2-6. You can even join them for lunch! You'll also be introduced to some of the many clubs students are involved in, such as the guitar club and the kendo club.
=> Morning Classes
=> Club Activitie
"Yours looks much more delicious than mine." says Sho. |
Afternoon Classes
Lunch Break
After the third and fourth periods (English and Japanese lessons, respectively), comes the lunch break that everybody has been looking forward to. When the students have rearranged their desks so that they face each other, the classroom soon takes on the character of a dining room. Their homeroom teacher, Ms. Sawada, joins them and straightaway lunch starts.
"This tastes great!" Akino is happy with the boxed lunch her mother prepared for her by hand. |
Set out on the desks are the packed lunches that each student has brought along. Some have a traditional bento packed lunch brought from home. This might consist of, say, rice, a meat or fish dish, and boiled vegetables. Others called in at a convenience store on the way to school and bought a bento or sandwich for their lunch. Akino, who loves deep fried chicken, has brought her mother's homemade lunch with a generous helping of rice. Sho is happily munching on his lunch, bought for him by his mother. One of the boys, who clearly has a sweet tooth, has a lunch consisting of a slice each of melon bread, chocolate bread, and a couple of other sweet breads.
Class 2-6 practices in earnest for the school's upcoming choral singing contest. |
Fifth Period -- Special Lessons
After a twenty-minute break from 1:05 PM, the afternoon lessons begin. The fifth period is reserved for special lessons. With the all-school choral concert scheduled for December 15 only a week away, the whole school is in a fever. All the third year students have gathered in the gym for choir practice. The second year students are gathered in their various homerooms and in the music room and are going through their songs time and again.
On this day class 2-6 and class 2-5 are together in the music room. They sing their respective songs alternately and comment on each other's performance. Their mutual comments reflect their keen observational powers. For example, one student says, "There's a lack of balance because the alto part is too weak," while another remarks, "The powerful sound is impressive."
Akino is a little apprehensive: "We have a less integrated sound than class 5. We may not be able to perform well at all. What can we do?" But Sho is full of confidence: "True, class 5 had a surprisingly powerful sound, but one or two of them were quite unenthusiastic, and that's not good." It seems to have been a good rehearsal, with the two choirs making each other determined to try harder.
