Since the Cameroon team decided to set up camp in Nakatsue,
we have found out a lot of things about Cameroon. Our school nutritionist looked up information about
Cameroonian recipes and cooked dishes from Cameroon for our lunch with the school cooks. They were very
We know everything about Cameroon. We hope the Cameroon team wins the World Cup!
From the World Cup Kids! Newsroom

We have a Cameroon corner at our school.
That was the first report from our junior reporters in Nakatsue, the village where the Cameroon team will
be based. The kids seem to have investigated a lot of things about Cameroon, so we asked them to tell
us some of the things they have discovered. They soon e-mailed us their answers.
1. Cameroon's population is about 13.94 million people, and its area is about 480,000 square kilometers.
2. The names of some Cameroonian dishes and their ingredients are: Cameroon-style pilaf (made with paprika,
onions, rice, wheat, peanuts, and palm oil), mbongo (made with tomatoes, okra,
onions, chicken mince, and special tapioca), and potato salad (made with broccoli, carrots, paprika, tomatoes,
potatoes, and sesame dressing).
3. When the Cameroon players come to the village, the kids will say "Bonjour!" ("hello"
in French), "Bon courage!" ("good luck"), and "Comment vous appelez-vous?"
("What's your name?"). |