He's a very old rabbit, that Bunnicula. Twenty, to be exact, which is really not that amazing if you consider the fact that he's a vampire ... a vegetarian vampire, that is. Bunnicula is the fanged, funny, and just a little bit scary, star of a book series that has sold more than 8 million copies. He was unleashed in 1979 by James Howe and his late wife, Deborah. To mark the anniversary, Atheneum Books has published ''Bunnicula Strikes Again!'' the 6th book in the series and the first new Bunnicula novel in more than seven years. |
The characters
This book is written by Harold who comes to writing purely by chance. His full-time occupation is dog. He lives with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe and their two sons: Toby, aged eight and Pete, aged ten. Also sharing the home are a cat named Chester and a rabbit named Bunnicula. It is because of Bunnicula that Harold turned to writing. Someone had to tell the full story of what happened in the Monroe household after the rabbit arrived. Bunnicula first became a member of the Monroe family when he was discovered on a seat in the town movie theater during a showing of Dracula. The Monroes took him home and made him comfortable. But then the strangest thing started happening. All the colorful vegetables (most notably the carrots) in the Monroe fridge were mysteriously drained of their color --- and they had teeth marks in them! Chester and Harold were quick to point their paws at the newest fluffy member of the household --- and began to wonder if he was really a veggie vampire. How do the Monroes deal with their most unusual pet?. |
![]() Chester