A Cockroach Quiz

Test yourself!!! Write down the answers, and check them when you finish.


1. What happens if you cut off a cockroach's head?

a. It will fall over dead immediately, legs straight up in the air.

b. A new, bigger head will grow in its place.

c. It will run around for about a week, then die of thirst.

d. Nothing. Cockroaches don't have heads.

e. It will grab its head and reattach it.

2. How many times does a female cockroach get pregnant during its lifetime?

a. Never. Male cockroaches have the babies.

b. Usually only once, and she'll stay that way the rest of her life.

c. 16 to 64 times

d. Only when the tide is in, and after she snacks on pickles.

e. Eighteen times

3. It is really hard to swat a cockroach because ...

a. The roach will bite the fly swat.

b. The roach can hear your footsteps.

c. Hairs on its rear end can detect the air moving.

d. They look so cute.

e. The roach can detect your smell by using its antenna.

4. Humans and cockroaches have many body parts in common, except cockroaches DON'T have...

a. a colon and a rectum.

b. finger nails.

c. salivary glands.

d. an esophagus.

e. a heart.

5. If a cockroach was going shopping for pants, how many pair of pants would it need to buy to keep its legs covered? (Remember: one pair of pants covers two legs.)

a. Six

b. Three

c. Nine

d. One

e. None. Cockroaches don't have legs.

6. A cockroach uses its gizzard to...

a. detect danger.

b. treat insecticides that may be sprayed on it.

c. help chew food.

d. help attract a mate.

e. All of the above.

7. If a cockroach was living at South Pole and the temperature was below freezing, how would it survive?

a. It would build a cozy little ice house.

b. Cockroaches don't mind the cold. It would be fine on its own.

c. It would build a fire to get warm.

d. It would hibernate until the weather warmed up.

e. It would move in with humans and eat their food.

8. Cockroach blood...

a. is kept clean by Malpighian tubules.

b. spurts out, along with fat body, when you step on a roach and flatten it.

c. is white, not red.

d. sloshes around in its body.

e. All of the above.



1. c

2. b

3. c

4. b

5. b

6. c

7. e

8. a

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